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September 02, 2020 3 min read


Annette Thurmon


Annette is a super women who does it all! She is a mom, wife, nurse, and a farmer and manages to look stylish while doing it all! She is someone who embraces all her hats with grace + influence. Her love is SO contagious! 

What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?

I feel I juggle my time between so many hats! First and foremost I am a mother and the majority of my time and attention goes to my darling little girl Ava Rose. In between motherhood  duties I work as an ICU nurse. Caring for others has been a passion of mine since I was young and I am grateful to still do it even for just a few days a month. The other hat  I wear is homestead mom to all our animals and feathered friends. Somewhere in there I sprinkle in some Instagram stories and social media influencer duties. I am also a  wife, daughter, friend, etc. The many hats we wear make us who we are. I love all of mine and they have definitely shaped me into the woman  I am today. 

Which hat do you find most rewarding?

Definitely being a mother. The days can be long and hard. She is very active and requires all my attention. But when she hugs my neck all the worry and stress disappear and it’s just the two of us. I never thought  I’d love motherhood as much as I have. It is very rewarding

What hats do you find the most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?

Wearing all my hats at once is the most challenging!  Being a mom and working while caring for our home and farm plus doing all I do on the side can definitely be challenging at times. My best advice would be embrace the “hat” you are wearing in that moment and give it your all. If you are just with your little one give them your full attention. If you have a moment to do work things give that your all. When I do too much at once is when it becomes most challenging. Give yourself grace and know not everything will get done sometimes and that’s ok. 

 What hats are least known about you? 

Many might not know I was a wedding designer for about 10 years! That all seems like a lifetime ago, but it was so fun to design wedding gowns and go to New York fashion week! 

Who or what inspires you? 

Nature and being outdoors.  The fresh air, flowers blooming, being around our animals. I love the simple beauty of nature and feel most alive when working in the garden and getting my hands in the dirt. 

Favorite Gigi Pip style/color + why? 

I am currently loving the BRE STRAW PORK PIE - NATURAL. I love a hat that is simple, comfortable and goes with everything. This is the perfect summer hat. It’s also light weight which I love. 

Any style advice?

Be true to yourself! Don’t follow a trend, wear what makes you feel most beautiful! And of course, when in doubt wear a hat to feel instantly put together. 


Annette Thurmon

"Putting one of your hats on is magical and instantly makes me happy. I feel put together no matter what is going on in my day." - Annette

Follow Annette's journey @azurefarm