Meet Kay-Dee Lane, a mama, bartender, blogger and digital content creator getting through life one day at a time with her little girl and loving fiance. She is gearing up to take on the states in a massive road trip and launch a children's lifestyle brand. How exciting! Get to know Kay-Dee a little more as she shares her hats in the latest installment of our #thehatswewear series.

Hat: Leo- Black with Black Band The Perfect Flop Fedora
What are the roles or hats you lead in your life?
I am a mama, fiance, fur mama, daughter, sister, friend, blogger, photographer, bartender and adventure lover! Whew, that was exhausting just to write that all down! As exhausting as it can be juggling all these hats, I absolutely love and cherish each of these roles.
Which hat do you find most rewarding?
Being a mama is definitely my most rewarding role. The funny part about it is, I never was sure I wanted to become a mom and now as cliche, as it is—I can’t imagine my life any other way. The first year of motherhood has taught me so much about myself and truly helped me find stability and passion in my life. Being able to watch my daughter become a little person right in front of my eyes is the most amazing feeling.
What hats do you find are most challenging and what do you do to embrace them?
Working from home is by far my biggest challenge. I struggle to find balance when I work from home. Am I spending too much time working? Should I be reading/playing/attending more to my daughter? Not to mention, I feel as though I can’t begin to get any work done unless the housework is done..which let’s be real—it’s never done! But every time I’m feeling like working from home is too difficult I have to remind myself that it allows me to spend more time with my daughter. I get to be there for her special moments and when she needs me and I am so grateful for that.

Hat: Leo- Black with Black Band The Perfect Flop Fedora
What hats are least known about you?
I have been painfully shy most my life. It was only really until recently, after becoming a mother, that I started to feel more comfortable in my skin and stopped caring so much about what others think. It’s pretty hard to worry about other’s opinions when you have a tiny human whose opinion means more than anyone else’s in the world. I was pretty nervous throughout my pregnancy that my daughter would inherit my extreme shyness and so far its pretty safe to say she’s quite the opposite. It’s so important to me to raise her to be kind and confident. I would never want her to have to go through the same struggle I did.
Who or what inspires you?
The world around me--truly everything. Usually, inspiration strikes for me in the moments when I have a free second to just let my mind wander. I make a point to get outdoors often to explore and adventure. Road trips are our favorite family pastime and I don’t think there’s anything that helps spark inspiration more than being out on the open road with nowhere to go. I also have to credit all the amazing mama bloggers/Instagrammers that I’ve met throughout my journey. I’m constantly inspired by these mama’s to be the best version of myself that I can be!
For more about Kay-Dee Lane follow her blog For the Love of Mila.
Gigi Pip