Q&A with Ginger Parrish, Owner of Gigi Pip

Ginger Parrish, Owner of Gigi Pip

Welcome back to the blog Gigi Pip babes! Today we are taking you behind the scenes of Gigi Pip, walking you through the birth of the company and giving you the chance to get to know Ginger Parrish.  

Ginger Parrish, Owner of Gigi Pip

Ginger's namesake hat the Ginger 

For those of you who don't know, Ginger is the owner of Gigi Pip. She is the one behind all the gorgeous hats you see online, on Instagram and in the store in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is the brains of the entire operation and one inspiring boss lady. She helps design and curate all the hats and is a full-time mom of three of the cutest little boys you've ever seen. It's safe to say, she does it all and always with a smile on her face. Rockstar right?

Juggling work life and mom life is hard, but Ginger does it so effortlessly. One of the most common questions people ask Ginger is how she does it all? How does she run a business and be a rockstar mom? Well, you asked and we delivered. We asked Ginger a series of questions about her journey to start Gigi Pip as well as her advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, working moms and everyone in between.

Check it out: 

Q1: What inspired you to start a female hat shop?

Before I started Gigi Pip, my friends and family would ask me, “where did you get that hat?” I had a long list of places I liked to shop + that’s when I realized there wasn’t a one-stop-shop for hats!

Q2: What’s the story behind your tagline: “Inspired by Women Who Wear Many Hats?”

I always wanted Gigi Pip to have depth. We played along with taglines for a long time. “Inspired by the Women Who Wear Many Hats” was the one that stuck. Everything fell into place after we found it.

Q3: What is the hardest part of owning a business AND being a full-time mom to three boys?

There are so many tricky parts of being a business owner and a mom. I wear so many “hats.” I’ve come to understand it’s not about being perfect in every hat I wear, but it’s about embracing each one and doing my very best. 

Q4: Why did you decide to open a store-front for Gigi Pip?

We wanted Gigi Pip to have a home. It’s been so special for me to see women unite at the storefront. I’ve always wanted to have a central place for Gigi Pip. I’ve always wanted to have a place where everyone felt welcomed and loved for exactly who they are. 

Q5: What do you love most about your job?

I love being able to watch someone put on a hat I created and feel confident. There are no words to describe the magic of helping other women find confidence in themselves. That’s really what this is all about. I want women to embrace their many “hats” in life.

Q6: What advice would you give other women who want to open a clothing shop or start a business of any kind?

I would tell them to write down three seemingly impossible goals and work towards them. Surround yourself with people that keep you going- even when you want to quit.


Ginger Parrish, Owner of Gigi Pip

If she doesn't inspire you to get out there and be a boss lady, I don't know what does. Ginger is such a ray of sunshine, the hardest worker, the best hat wearer and the greatest mama! Hats off to you Ginger!

If you have any other questions for Ginger or the Gigi Pip team, feel free to leave them in the comments


Gigi Pip


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